August 1, 2007

But wait! There's more...

I love listening to Norah Jones. There's a nostalgic feeling in her music that takes me back to nights when I was a kid. We'd have people over, or visit some of my parents' friends.

Those were hot nights. Most people we knew didnt have air conditioning. There would be fans all over the place. The old reciprocating kind with wire frames wrapped around metal blades that would "cutcher fingers plumb off". Of course, they'd have Patsy Cline, Jim Reeves, Hank Williams, or somebody on the Hi-Fi and play bridge in the kitchen while we kids ran in and out, slamming the screen door, and they'd holler at us about it.

What I remember most, though, is how bright the moon was. Most nights we'd run all over Oklahoma chasing "lightning bugs" or playing hide-and-seek, just by the light of the moon.

I watch my grandchildren play now, and I wonder what memories they'll have, if the Lord tarries.

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